what age is a toddler

What Age is a Toddler?

How old is a toddler? Do you wonder at what age you should stop referring your child to as a toddler? Despite them still being considered a baby through our eyes, the term "toddler" is when they are no longer considered infants but are not yet preschool-aged - so between one and three years old. This age range is often characterized by significant physical, cognitive, and social development, as toddlers begin to explore the world around them more actively and independently.

During this stage, toddlers are more active and vocal. They begin to develop more advanced gross and fine motor skills, such as walking, running, jumping, and grasping objects with greater dexterity. They become more vocal and expressive, as they start to learn words and communicate their thoughts and feelings more effectively.

In terms of social development, toddlers typically begin to show an increased interest in interacting with other people, both their peers and adults. They may engage in parallel play, where they play alongside other children without directly interacting, but also start to learn how to share, take turns, and cooperate with others.

It is important to note that while the age range of one to three is often considered the toddler stage, each child's development is unique and may occur at different rates. Some children may start walking earlier, while others may take longer to develop language skills, for example.

Furthermore, cultural and social norms can also impact when a child is considered a toddler. For instance, in some cultures, a child may be considered a toddler as early as nine months, while in others, they may be considered a toddler until the age of four.

In conclusion, a toddler is typically a child between the ages of one and three, characterized by significant physical, cognitive, and social development. However, it is essential to remember that each child's development is unique, and cultural and social norms can impact when a child is considered a toddler.

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